Yakovlevich Pavlenko

Russia • born in 1936

Born on March 5, 1936. He studied at Orel (Russia) pedagogical Institute, faculty of artistic graphics. In 1974 and 1978 he worked in the artistic-design works, Dnepropetrovsk. Solo exhibitions 2001,2004. Works are kept in Dnipropetrovsk art Museum, private collections of Ukraine, Russia, France, Germany, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, USA, Canada, and Israel.

Exhibition F. Y. Pavlenko.

1975 Regional exhibition of works by artists of Dnipropetrovsk "Glory to labor". Exhibition hall of Union of artists of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk.

1984 may June

The regional art exhibition "drawing, watercolor, pastel". Exhibition hall of Union of artists of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk.

2001 March April

First solo exhibition "Kolorowa Rhapsody DOS". Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk.

September October

Exhibition dedicated to the 225th anniversary of Dnepropetrovsk "Ekaterinoslav Dnepropetrovsk." Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk.

2002 August September

The Exhibition "Yekaterinoslav Dnepropetrovsk. The works of artists of Dnepropetrovsk from the funds of the Dnipropetrovsk art Museum." National exhibition centre "Ukrainian House", Kiev.


Anniversary exhibition of the Dnepropetrovsk National Union of artists of Ukraine "Us 45". Exhibition hall of Union of artists, Dnepropetrovsk.

2003 February April

Exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the formation of the collection of the Dnipropetrovsk art Museum "Krzy century". Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk.


All-Ukrainian art exhibition "picturesque Ukraine". Lviv.

2004 April may

Personal exhibition "F. Pavlenko. The painting". Art Museum, Dnepropetrovsk.

Catalogues of museums and booklets.

"Glory to labor". Regional exhibition of works by artists of Dnipropetrovsk. Directory. Dnepropetrovsk, 1980, p.8.

"Drawing, watercolor, pastel". Regional art exhibition. Directory. Dnepropetrovsk, 1986, p.7.

"Kolorowa Rhapsody DOS". Personal exhibition of F. Pavlenko. Booklet. Dnipropetrovsk, 2001.


Spirin V. Green Rhapsody Pavlenko. "Technopolis", August 1998.

Abramova T. a Nugget of Sursko-the Lithuanian. "Our mclce", 10.04.2001.

Kokoschka Y. how can the age of enlightenment? "Evening Dnepr", 3-04.2001.

Shcherbakova L. "Kolorowa Rhapsody does..." "Business time", 5.04.2001.

Abramova T. Bright philosopher of Sursko-the Lithuanian. "Our Misto", 16.04.2004.

Kokoschka Y. How to prepare a "delicious" painting? "Evening Dnepr", 16.04.2004.

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