Ivanovich Trankovsky

2-I floor. The NINETEENTH century and beginning of XX century

He studied painting at the Stroganov school. Wrote mainly genre paintings. Most of his robot were kept at his family estate in the Smolensk region, but during the civil war, they were destroyed. Other work was taken at an exhibition in Paris (1914), where they remained in private collections. Many of his works were printed on postcards and as illustrations to books. Pictures are stored in the State Museum of history of religion (Saint-Petersburg) and other museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.

Born into a wealthy landed family, he graduated from the Stroganov school. Many of the works and the files stored on the family estate in the Smolensk region, suffered a sad fate – they were destroyed during the civil war. Other in 1914 he was sent to an exhibition in Paris and remained there in private collections. In the Russian state archives contain a document dated September 30, 1882. This petition "collegiate assessor Alexei Ivanovich Trankovsky" to the Council of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, in which he requests to honor him with the title of artist for paintings. Therefore, A. Trankovsky was formed as an artist in the late 1860 – 1870s. the Specialists of the Voronezh HMM they. I. Kramskoy, in whose collection is the painting "Shinkar", 1879, describe him as a follower of the Wanderers. In the early twentieth century many works were reproduced on postcards. Wrote genre paintings, still lifes and compositions on historical themes. In the Museum of the history of religion in St. Petersburg houses a painting "Vladimir and Rogneda". Today, there are about three dozen paintings A. Trankovsky. The creativity of this original, talented and recognizable by their manner of the artist has a special historical-artistic value.

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