Born on 8 Oct 1963 in S. Nemovichi Rivne region. In the ' 70s, his parents moved to Kherson. He studied at the children's Studio of decorative painting "Chongar" under the guidance of folk masters of Ukraine Vitkovskaya Lyudmila Vladislavovna.
In 1986, Maria Husak creates the Studio "Sivash wreath" in the village of Sivash.
Since 1987 takes part in district, regional, Republican (Khmelnitsky - 1988, Lviv - 1989, Kano - 1990, Kiev - 2005) , all-Union (Moscow, 1987), overseas (Mozambique - 1988) exhibitions.
In 1990, the Ministry of culture of the USSR was awarded the title of "national Amateur collective" the children's Studio "Sivash wreath". In 2002, Maria M. husák was awarded the title "Master of folk art".
2005 - personal exhibition in Novotroitsk, it takes part in the exhibition-presentation of Kherson region in the National complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" in Kiev. Personal exhibition was held in Kherson.