Born in 1952 in the town of Revda in Sverdlovsk region.
He graduated from the Sverdlovsk music school named. Tchaikovsky and the Urals state Conservatory. M. P. Mussorgsky.
At 37 years of age, I began to seriously pursue painting. Member of professional-creative Union of artists of UNESCO.
A. Eletsky like to improvise, when he paints, as well as the performance of music... the Artist is an innovator - his art can be called "musical paintings" or "virtual music". In every work A. Eletsky recognizable and unique. The range of techniques is very wide, from "Fauvism" Parallels to abstract expressionism.
The artist is a magnificent colorist. The author of the remarkable landscapes, still lifes, genre paintings, portraits.
Picture A. Eletsky can be found in many different places – from the Russian Museum St. Petersburg, cafe "Idiot". Works are in private collections in Russia and abroad - in Germany, France, England, Finland and other countries.