Nikolaevich Kikot

Russia • born in 1960

Biography and information

Painter born in the city of Barnaul. He graduated from Novoaltaisk art school in the specialty "teacher of drawing and painting" (1984).

Worked at Children's school of arts in R. p. Stupka a teacher of drawing, painting, composition (1984 – 1985), artist – designer at the Association Trikotazhnitsa (1985-1988), Children's art school № 2, where he is working to this day (1992 - ).

From 2004 to 2007 he was a Board member of the Altai regional branch of Union of artists of Russia.

Works mainly in the landscape genre. In the traditions of Russian realistic school.

A participant of regional exhibitions since 1998. Such as, the regional young artists "I see the world", Barnaul (1998). Exhibition of works by the Altai artists in the State Duma, Moscow (1999), regional Sibir "– IX", Irkutsk, Tomsk (2003), exhibition of works by the Altai artists in the framework of the Year of Russia in Kazakhstan, Barnaul, Ust - Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk (2004), foreign exhibition of artists of Altai, Urumqi (2006, China), a group exhibition of Altai artists in the representation of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal district, Novosibirsk (2007).

Works are in State art Museum of Altai region, private collections in Russia and abroad.

Lives and works in Barnaul. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1998.

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