Born July 22, 1929.. in Slavyansk,the Ukrainian SSR,
Around 1943, worked in the art Studio of the House of folk art.
He graduated from the Sverdlovsk art College, in 1954.
From 1952 to 1954, he worked as a painter in Omsk branch of art Fund of the USSR ,
From 1955 to 1956.g.---the Department of art of the Foundation of Vladivostok.
From 1958 to 1978 was the art Director of Omsk TV Studio.
Issued a number of performances in Omsk Puppet theatre and Folk theatre of Poetry (dir. L. Ermolaeva)
Professional participant of Republican, zone, regional and international (USA, Spain) exhibitions.
Since 2002-Member of international Association "Art of Nations"
Personal exhibitions:
1993 -"August" of Omsk state historical-local lore Museum.
2003 - "Two" (together with N. F. By klikushina) from the series "time-Tested" City Museum "Art of Omsk."
2003 - "White dance" hudojestvenny State Regional Museum "Liberov-center".
2004 – "Congratulations" City theatre "Studio" L. Ermolaeva.(jointly with N. N. By Molodtsov ).
The works of A. A. Molodtsova represented in the collections of museums in Omsk: OGCM, GMIO, OOMIE them. Vrubel, GOHM "Liberov-the centre" the gallery "Nikor" (Moscow)
The regional Department of culture of the Omsk region,
Omsk branch of the Russian Fund of culture) ;private collections in Russia and abroad (Israel, Spain, USA).