
Russia • 1736−1804

Biography and information

(according to some reports, Joseph). Originally from Nikolausdorf (Nixdorf) in Bohemia. He received his artistic education in Dresden, where they remained until the autumn of 1770, when he was invited to the Petersburg Academy of Arts for teaching "the purest", as stated in the contract, "sculpture." Even much earlier, the glory of the magnificent art Schwartz as a Carver of bone, metal and especially wood (simplest tools), entered the walls of the Academy, when in 1770, after Roland has released the vacancy of teacher of ornamental sculpture, Schwartz offered to take this place. He brought with him his work (bas-relief image of basket of fruit and flowers) impressed everyone as elegance of design, fidelity to nature and delicacy of execution, and the Academy then introduced into the contract with the author of this "stuff" paragraph, in which Schwarz undertook, in addition to the duties of the teacher, every year for the Academy to produce a work of art. But Schwartz, despite repeated reminders Council of the Academy until 1778 completely ignored this obligation, and only in August this year presented to the Academy a bas-relief of "the net with the fish and cancer", after which he was admitted to the competition for the title of academician. Meanwhile, the teaching was Schwartz really bad. Being naturally quite lazy and at the same time extremely passionate, he or did not attend a student workshop or addressed during class with the students so roughly that the latter is positively avoided. Simultaneously, he has strained relations with the teaching staff of the Academy. All this taken together has prompted the Academy to the extremely proud of the involvement in the service Schwartz, 20th February, 1774, before the contractual deadline, to dismiss him. Upon leaving the Academy, Schwartz stayed in St. Petersburg and engaged in the execution of private orders. Later, in the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral, he was "the team" J. A. Bruce, and executed the carved work for the interior decoration of the Cathedral. In 1794, for relief from the tree: "the wicker basket with flowers, vegetables and raisins" received the title of academician of ornamental sculpture. Died in the rank of class VII on 31 December 1804 in St. Petersburg. Three works by him are in the Museum Imp. Academy Of Fine Arts. (Cumans)