Friedrich Anton German

Russia • 1817−1867

Biography and information

German sculptor, pupil of Berlin Academy of arts and L. Wichmann; in 1837 he participated in St. Petersburg in sculptural works in the re-finishing part of the Winter Palace suffered from fire, and in execution of the sculptural decoration of St. Isaac's Cathedral; in 1841 was sent to Berlin by the Academy at its own expense to Italy, had it for several years; on his return to Berlin, worked there until the end of his life, received in 1855 the title of member of the Academy, and in 1867, Professor. The most important of his works, reminiscent of the General style of the Rauch - group "Pallada, ucasa young man to own a gun" (on the Palace bridge in Berlin), frieze "Pompeii" (in the Greek courtyard of the New Museum), a great relief "to win the Lithuanians knights of the German order" (in the East pediment of the railway bridge over the Vistula, in Dersau), the statue of Hermann von Salzach (on the bridge over the Nogat, in Marienburg), statues of Luther and Melanchthon (at the University of königsberg), the reliefs on the pedestal of the monument to king Frederick William III in Cologne and a monument to Stein in Berlin (over Prolem).

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