Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
The name of Yevgeny Vasilyevich Seduhina inseparable from Tagil school of painting of the second half of the twentieth century. Established a unique style of landscape painting made the artist's name is widely known not only in the Urals region. This name became part of the Russian national culture.
If you want to enter the world of the artist, to touch his art images if you are trying to understand the secret of beauty and harmony, to come to the workshop.
You find yourself in a magical world where lush bouquets of dried plants are combined with glittering minerals, ancient Ural copper utensils of the nineteenth century, a little dusty and tired time resting next to an outlandish Oriental applied art objects, on the shelves of rare editions, monographs on art, Russian culture, Western European art...
And with nothing comparable to the smell of primed canvas, scenic paint, smell of painting...
Out of the Studio window we could see the silhouette of the Fox mountains and stretches to the horizon, the blue chain of the Ural mountains.
This wonderful microcosm of the workshop is complemented by a feeling of spaciousness and space of the outside world, filled with proud, majestic and rugged beauty of his native land, his native Urals.
Lyrical radoznali and monumental power fused together – this is creative credo, the peculiarity of the artistic nature of Eugene Seduhina. Next to the landscape artist E. Seduhina easy to breathe, the soul is filled with optimism, and begin to understand simple truths: the beauty of nature heals, learns to love the native land, proud of the place where you were born and live. And begin to understand the meaning of their own existence...
The painting, which became the meaning of life, passion, determined the creative path of the master.
Yevgeny Sedukhin born November 18, 1930. in Perm, grew up in the village uinskoye, Perm region. At an early age, watching the green valleys, clear river, his native village from the hill, surrounded by the endless taiga, the future artist will capture these paintings in your heart. With a deep and warm feeling he will remember and find sources of inspiration, returning to the patterns of childhood. The childhood and adolescence of the future artist has dropped in the difficult war and postwar years, had to live in Central Asia, in war-torn Ukraine.
The work of a blacksmith on the farm forged a sturdy, enduring character. A subtle artistic flair and the ability to see the beauty of the Ural stone-formed men first plant for the production of stone products. Later, while working in the experimental group for the production samples for mass production of trust "Russkie Samotsvety", Eugene learned how not only to uncover the beauty of the stone, but also to convey imagery, to create products that adorn everyday life. Here the need was artistic training. After three and a half years in the border troops in Belarus in 1956, Evgeny Vasilievich enters the Ural school of industrial art opened in 1945. in Nizhny Tagil, which gave the opportunity for professional artistic training.
After graduating from the College of applied arts and art-graphic faculty of Pedagogical Institute in Nizhny Tagil, the artist since the early 60-ies of soy binds the fate of the city of metallurgists. Actively participating in the labor rhythms of the city, Eugene writes Sedukhin industrial and lyrical landscapes. It seems he has mastered almost all genres of painting. And yet it was in these years crystallizes the main theme of his work – the history of the Ural region, its folklore. The wonderful poem "the Tale of Nizhny Tagil", "Ural", "Stone tale", "Malachitica", "Girls-birch" – paintings, in which the interweaving of reality and fiction was embodied in a poetic understanding of the history of the Urals.
All the subtlety and lyricism of the artistic life of Eugene Seduhina reflected in the beautiful work "Girl – birch". This small canvas laid down principles of art understanding the images transmitted through the broad generalization, and lyricism accentuated with subtle flavor.
Years of study at the school gave a lot of understanding of color in painting, the basics of compositional structure of the canvas, and most importantly, the ability to consistently convey the idea and image conceived by the artist of the work. This knowledge will help to solve sometimes very difficult creative tasks: the execution of easel paintings, monumental paintings in public spaces the production of diarrhea in Museum exhibitions.
Since 1964. Eugene Sedukhin – becomes a participant of city, regional, Republican and all-Union exhibitions. Active exhibition activity allows you to join the creative Union of artists of the USSR, and it took a lot of creative bestowal of self-realization. 70 – 80-e years have been unusually full travel (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt), participation in large public forums.
These years have been the rise of the creative imagination, love to the native nature, to the native land, the artist said excitedly, sincerely and with deep feeling. In "Stone fairy tale" 1970. the interweaving of the fractures of the rocks is depicted bending over the deep gorge of the female figure high headdress in malachite green. Strictly and watches Mistress of Copper mountain. Close to the "Stone fairy tale" picture "of the Urals. Old stone" 1990. Through a heavy, swollen with moisture the cloud shyly Peeps the pale blue of the sky. Against the background of a rocky ridge in the center, turning his powerful shoulders, his work-worn hands on the stone blocks, the mighty man – Ural inspects their possessions.
History of Nizhny Tagil found its figurative interpretation in "the Everyday mountain High." Here's how it describes a work of art Yu Farbstein; "a Giant shell unfurls his ledges. Fractional strokes create a fantastic play of light and shadow on the climbs and descents, turning, leads the viewer's eye to the light, geometrically precise array of the city. Panorama metallurgical combine completes the canvas. Picture – the fruit of deep reflections of the artist on the history of the city: from the depths of the High mountains grew a new socialist Nizhny Tagil."
The nature of the Urals, its mean and harsh flavor, blind paint, the combination of the pale sky and dark rocks, serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the artist.
70 years of the twentieth century were a period of powerful development of Nizhny Tagil public buildings that require artistic decoration and design. Tagil artists are actively involved in this new job.
Creative friendship and collaboration with artists Tagil M. Distergeft, by P. Baranovym, N. Pliskovskiy and many other famous names helped to execute creative work and large projects of varying degrees of complexity.
Each tagritania familiar painting in a city Demidov hospital. This monumental work, done in collaboration with M. Distergeft, decorates the interior of the hospital since 1972.
Mural in the lobby of the puppet theatre conveys the style of the forms characteristic of the early 70-ies.
It was a happy time. Powerful creative growth, when every new completed work grew stronger skill and I had seen the scale of your projects.
You can call a whole galaxy of great Tagil artists working in 70 – 80-ies: M. Kramskoy, L. Perevalov, M. Distergeft, I. Bogolyubov, Yu. a. Kosarev, P. Bortniv, V. Ushakov, V. Stakanov, K. Cherepanov, V. Kuskov, G. Shadrin, and many other famous names that defined the artistic life of Nizhny Tagil.
The creative Union of artists of Nizhny Tagil branch of it, was headed by Yevgeny Sedukhin. He was entrusted the representation on the Board of the Sverdlovsk Union of artists. Active civil position of the artist E. Seduhina allowed to solve not only organizational issues, but also creative problems.
The Board of the Union of artists of Russia Yevgeny Vasilyevich was the conductor of the state policy in the field of art. On the congresses of artists of Russia, uniting more than 70 creative organizations in the country, were considered not only the prospects of development of Soviet art, but also stressed the need for preservation of traditions of national art culture.
During this period, formed a large social orders connected with the artistic and design efforts, was the distribution of creative workshops, the provision of artists ' materials.
The period of active public works Deputy of district and city councils coincided with the implementation of large easel works. E. Sedukhin creates industrial landscapes, enriched domestic painting new art. In the painting "Lights Tagil labor" (1984) all is unusual. The broad brushwork, palette knife laid when a large plane. Decorative generality of the first plan somehow magically flows into pulsating impressionisticheskie written panorama of the city at night, complete the silhouette of the plant.
From Demidov plant to Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant – on this axis are laid working life of the city with more than 250 years of history, the city grew up at the foot of High mountains.
Today this remarkable work of residents of Nizhny Tagil causes a sense of pride. With the Moscow exhibition, the painting was acquired by the Tretyakov gallery.
Love for hometown artist was recognized every time when I wrote city landscapes, doing sections on the Nizhny Tagil metallurgical plant in Nizhny Tagil Museum of local lore, the Exhibition of achievements of National economy in Moscow.
Easel works devoted to the working people – tailcall acquired by numerous museums. Today they are witnesses of a bygone era – the era of socialism.
But there are unique works made for museums is the diorama. There must be a special flair – a feeling of infinity of space, the historical accuracy of the details, coloristic unity, and other things that comes with experience. For Nizhny Tagil Museum was made dioramas of "Nizhny Tagil-industrial" division of nature "Ural is the richest region of Russia" and "landscapes of the region."
Diorama for Visimskiy Museum with historical authenticity conveys the atmosphere of the XIX century.
In the museums of the city of Nevyansk, Ivdel, Jezkazgan, Maykop you can see the work of Tagil artist E. Seduhina.Eugene Sedukhin – master of large generalizations. Landscapes, written at different times, share one quality – monumentality. The majestic power of nature prevails. The artist inexplicably fails to cover a huge space and to fit on a small canvas. And performs this task master is very kind, one he characterized the picturesque. And another quality is always there – the scenery is optimistic. Nature admires, admires its perfection.
If you believe that beauty will save the world, the Ural landscapes of Eugene Seduhina – first assistants.Nizhny Tagil iron and steel plant with its glorious labor traditions, not only strengthens the power of the domestic industry, but was an associate in the formation of cultural potential of the city.
NTMK is the customer and the custodian of the paintings of many Tagil artists. In the great gallery landscape painting sounds like the name of Yevgeny Vasilyevich Seduhina. Such works as “People of fire”, “Symphony of six blast furnaces, Construction of Converter” is a milestone in his work.
The artist and today, on the threshold of its 75th anniversary, full of creative plans, his palette fresh, his paintings he dedicates to the people of his city, cooperating with NTMK, doing creative work according to the plans of the laboratory aesthetics of the plant.
Lyudmila Pavlenko-
Member of the international Association of art critics,
Director of the Ural school of applied art,
A member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia.