Dmitrievich Smelyakov

Russia • born in 1927

Biography and information

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Anatoliy was born Smelyakov 11.04.1927 year in the city of Kropotkin, under the southern sun, grew up in a family of teachers, among the Kuban Cossacks. The school teacher was kept original paintings by Vasnetsov and Repin. This teacher was delighted with the grey crows, which drew on the lesson Anatoly.

During the war, A. D. Smelyakov is in the Urals, in Sverdlovsk, where he visited the Studio of military artists, paints portraits of his colleagues. In 1948, Marshal Zhukov, like an ordinary decorated by Smelecom the Lenin room. And the first fee of the young artist was short-term vacation home.

The path went through Moscow. A. D. Smelyakov offers his drawings of the Studio of military artists named after Grekov. The students of P. Bogatkin, I. Krivonogov, A. Maltsev immediately recognize the soldier fellow in the shop, and after a month in his part comes the call, signed by Voroshilov. In Moscow, he immediately involved in the creation of the diorama "Battle of Kursk". "Grekovski" period of creativity Smelyakov graduated from night school.

In 1951, after demobilization, he entered the Moscow Polygraphic Institute in the art Department. His teachers are A. D. Goncharov, I. I. Chekmazov, G. T., Gorodenko.

During his studies at the Institute A. D. Smelyakova give a place in a hostel, which was in Losinka. "We were brought in an open car to Field street (now St. emerald), and then with suitcases, we went on foot, as the mud was impassable. Settled for 2-3 people in obseity the room and began student life," recalled Anatoly Dmitrievich. Since that time Anatoliy and began to paint landscapes and people of the Unitard, gradually falling in love, and precipa heart, to the surrounding area.

After graduation, two years Anatoliy has been chief artist in "Criminate", in Simferopol. Then again Moscow, work in the publishing house "Science", "World", "Progress", cooperation with many other Metropolitan publishers.

During the Khrushchev "thaw" A. D. Smelyakov visits the Studio of E. Belutin, exploring the Western avant-garde. "Take a nail, a candle - teaches the head of it,- sit under a tree and write is not the tree itself, and the impression from him --" But at this time Anatoly Smelyakova drew its purely realistic theme, domestic drama of a simple peasant. To "peasant" paintings prompted the artist to his uncle, working-railroad. "The scenery is good,' he said bitterly. – But look how we live. I have strong working hands, and four children sit hungry".

Since 1975, after joining the artists ' Union, A. D. Smelyakov involved with their landscapes, drawing in many art exhibitions organized by Moscow Union. Traveled extensively throughout the country. But it keeps coming back in the suburban Lozinku to their main characters.

In workshop A. D. Smelyakova many other works, other on the topic. Spring Vladimir scenery of the village of Semenovskoe - shuyskoye, a series of etchings, miniatures, many of which were bought by the French in the beginning of perestroika, the portraits of soldiers, writers, brothers of the brush.

Interested in A. D. Smelyakova people from the province; their bright personality catches the eye of the artist from the station crowd.

The artist recalled: "Losinka in 1950 was a city of Old, and looked like a typical country village. Wooden house immersed in the green gardens and the stadium in the Park grow mushrooms and strawberries. In 30-ies around the red Square in Moscow was a large construction site and the residents resettled in the suburbs. They were given a loan and they built themselves house 5-6 families. Therefore, almost all the houses in the center of the Unitard was two stories with large porches and intricate towers.

The settlers were mostly intelligent Muscovites, many of them were relatives of the repressed. On the 4th Too rented a room my mother and I often visited the huge two-storey wooden house. A neighbor on the walls hung paintings Savrasov, Aladzhalova, Balenicaga - Birula and Petrovicheva. The furniture was old and dark. I remember coming home from prison, rehabilitated, the brother of a neighbor, he was coughing and soon died. Across the road stood a small house where lived two musicians, an elderly husband and wife. They sometimes came from Sviatoslav Richter, and out of the house heard the sound of a piano. Such tenants in Losinka there were many.

Our hostel consisted of 3 one-story barracks. In one of the barracks lived the faculty and staff of the Institute. This hut was visited by brother Otto Yurievich Schmidt. He was the same bearded and huge growth. His house was on the street Communist, D. 6 (now Minusinsk).

Closer to the station, on the street flyer grandma's family lived Vishnevski. One of them is a doctor famous for having invented the "Vishnevsky ointment".

His brother Felix E. Wisniewski in 80-ies he founded the Museum Tropinin. All his life he collected paintings by Russian artists, doing their scarce resources in this case. Particularly he passionately sought out the works of Trainina, and when they have accumulated a fair amount, he was given a beautiful mansion, where still kept the beautiful works of our Russian great artist.

Not far from our hostel was a hostel of the Moscow cinema Institute. In 60-e years lived, as students, actors Mordjukova, Shukshin, and others.

In Losinka are monuments to the polar pilot Grandmother's, and the heroine of the Soviet Union Rudneva.

Among the inhabitants of the Unitard you can meet a lot of interesting trivia, the little people, who knew and had seen great writers and artists. One old woman told me that she has the letters L. N. Tolstoy. My neighbor claimed he was in the guard of Tsar Nicholas P. Then we do not attach importance to, and now when they did not, did not and old Unitard, too bad it's gone forever. It's still part of our cultural heritage.

The most fashionable public space in Losinka was a Park named letchika Babushkina, which was located in the Center of LOSINOOSTROVSKY district. In those days he was surrounded by a high iron fence. In the Park was a wooden theater, dance floor, carousel and swings. Diagonally across the Park ran a stream. The cinema was small with 200 seats. The foyer was lined with velvet and from the ceiling hung a huge bronze chandeliers. Before a session in the foyer a brass band played and the visitors danced. Behind the theatre was the veranda, where he was a chess and dominoes. The men scored in the Domino and then drank vodka. Near the Park was a beer. There was always a queue for beer.

Beer the regulars knew each other. Among them were "outstanding" personality. Every beer was famous for its leader. In the Park was the ringleader of the "Prince Pozharsky", so called giant man, who in a booming voice recited poetry of Mayakovsky and Yesenin. He came to the pub with a kitten in his bosom.

Sweeping near beer "Ilya". It swept up voluntarily, and fed beer for what he collected from the tables of mugs and carried them to the shop assistant. He walked in summer and winter in boots. It was a meek and harmless little man. Then came a rumor that he was poisoned Cologne. But after hearing, to General surprise, he showed up again."

But the best memories of Losinka are the works of the artist.

It is difficult to identify today these old houses with some streets of the modern Unitard. Only by signatures of the artist, we can imagine the old Lozinku; and we thank him for it.

The artist's life ended 15 September 2007, but he will always live in his paintings.

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