Anatolyevna Toma

Russia • born in 1939

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born 24.03.1939 year, with .Fedotovo, Moscow region.

He graduated from the Institute. I. E. Repin, the faculty of theory and history of arts, Leningrad (1963); the Institute of art history Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1974).

Affiliation: researcher in the National art Museum of Moldova (1963-1971), the Institute of art studies of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (1974-1983; 1991 - present). Lecturer of art history at hunter College..Plamadeala (1983-1996), the Academy of arts (2005).

A member of the artists Union since 1969; doctor of art studies since 1979.

Titles and awards: - 1st degree Diploma of the USSR Union (1983); - Medal "Om emerit" (1996); - Award the artists ' Union of Moldova for special merits in the development of the fine arts (1998, 2004); Honorary diploma of the ASM (2001).;

- The award is named after Moses Gamburd from the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Moldova (2004).

Works: 10 books, 9 booklets, about 100 scientific and popular scientific articles.

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