Dmitrievich Kharlampiev (Pilesh)

Russia • 1913−1994

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Playwright, sculptor, graphic, honored worker of culture of the Chuvash Republic.

Born February 25, 1913 d. Large Tochase Alikovskogo district of the Chuvash Republic.

Worked as an artist in the Chuvash book publishing house, Director of Chuvash art galleries. In the Chuvash literature came as the author of one-act plays and children's stories. On the stage of the Chuvash theatres with successful were his plays: “Кăмăл уçăлсан” (“When the heart is warmed”), “Çурхи кĕвĕсем” (“Spring motifs”), “Urato вилĕмсĕр” (“Love is immortal”). As a member of the Union of artists of the Russian Federation, participated in many Republican art exhibitions. Peru G. Harlampiev belong to essays and articles about the work of masters of fine arts of the Chuvash Republic M. Spiridonov and N. Sverchkova.

Main publications: “Илемлĕ IR” (“Beautiful morning”), “Urato вилĕмсĕр” (“Love is immortal”), “Йăлтăр çăлкуç” (“Pure spring”), “Тăрнасен tasse” (“dance of the cranes”), “Пĕчĕк çеç maksem” (“Little tales”), “Иртнĕ çулсенче” (“last years”), “Itariki çĕршывра” (“Wonderful land”), etc.

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