Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Graduated from Riga Art school. Ya Rozentals (1950) and the graphics Department at the Latvian State Academy of arts (1957) with diploma work – a series of posters of culture (under the leadership of P. Ozolinsh).
In exhibitions he participated since 1962. More significant personal exhibitions are organized in Riga (1962, together with E. Anderson and R. Böhm, 1974, with E. Anderson), Jurmala (1964, along with J. Polycom), Riga (1978), Tartu (1982/83), Leningrad (1987).
K. cīrulis worked as the head of the office shopping propaganda in the Latvian branch of the chamber of Commerce and Industry (1959 – 63).
The artist was awarded the diploma of the 4th Tallinn Triennale graphics (1977) and the prize and medal of the Union of artists for the best artistic activity in 1978.
Literature: “Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Riga, 1995 – 1. sēj.