Janowicz Schoenberg

Latvia • 1915−1989

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(1915.6.I Riga - 1989.21.IV Riga)

From 1920-1932 - family lived in Daugavpils. He studied at the Academy of arts of Latvia intermittently since 1933.g. up to 1942.year. 1944.g. he was drafted into the German army. After returning to Latvia, lived in Tukums and Riga. 1971.was a member of the Union of artists of Latvia. Participated in the exhibition since 1966. Personal exhibitions in Riga, 1988.,1989.

One of the most peculiar and separate artists from the period of socialism in Latvia. He completely disregarded the aesthetics and theme, which was connected with the Soviet ideology. A fine colorist. Wrote still lifes, landscapes,portraits. Traditional painting with wt combined with watercolor, tempera, collage and other techniques. Used non-traditional formats - curved, vertically or horizontally stretched. The ideas, motives (composed) and long-term composition first developed in the drawings - "structures". Important element art Šēnbergs is a pattern of fine lines and textures.


1) "Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās" Atb. red. Vanaga A. - R.: a/s "Preses nams", 2000-3.sēj.;

2) "in Latviešu Padomju glezniecība" M. Ivanovs, R. Lāce - R.:"Liesma", 1985.

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