Born in 1969 in Chelyabinsk
1988 - graduated from the Chelyabinsk art College diploma graphic designer
1992 – monthly grant from society for the encouragement of young artists. Germany
1993 – international competition "Pictures at an exhibition" by Mussorgsky, Austria. 1st place
1994 – international student seminar on enamel. Russia, Germany, France
1995 – graduated from Saint Petersburg Academy of decorative and applied arts
them. V. I. Mukhina (professors: G. Savinov, EXT. artist of the Russian Federation
A. Talaschuk). Diploma muralist
1997 - member of Union of artists of Russia
1997- "window to the Netherlands", international competition organized by
Consulate Of The Netherlands
1998 – member of St. Petersburg society of aquarellists