Thesis in the CVC - "haymaking", the rating is satisfactory. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.
Born in 1946 in the town of Rzhev. He graduated from secondary Art school. B. V. Iogansona, then in 1970 the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin in the Studio of painting of Professor A. D. Zaitsev.
Since 1980, N. P.Pyatakhin – member of the Leningrad Union of artists. From 1973 to present, the constant participant of exhibitions number more than forty, of which:
the Republican - eleven, zone - nineteen, city – twelve in the group "the Basis" - six personal or two.
More than twenty works of Nikolai Pathina acquired the largest art organizations: the Ministry of culture, Union of Artists of Russia and museums of the country. Among these paintings, such paintings as: "Morning", 1979., H. M. 85/60; "Portrait of a young woman" 1976., H. M. 8064; "In the battle for a free Russia" 1980. H. M. 160120; "mowing" of 1985, H. M. 9268; "the Villagers" 1986-1987, H. M. 8060; "For United Russia", 1990, H. M. 12098 and other. His works are in the Museum – panorama the battle of Stalingrad - Volgograd (1985); in St. Petersburg "Museum of Political history of Russia" (2000-2001); in the Mining Institute; and the State Museum of fine arts of the city of Bryansk "Feeding workshop" 1979. H. M. 8785,5.
Graphic and pictorial works of N. Pathina owned by collectors in St. Petersburg, Lugansk, Riga, Paris, calgary, Los Angeles, etc.
About the work of the painter in the press (from 1973 to 2007.) wrote St. Petersburg and Moscow critics: M. Kogan, A. Muratov, V. S. Manin, N.Pogodin, Kekushev, A. Borowski, O. Zvenigorod. Most significant publications – article A. Muratova "the Classical tradition in contemporary art" well. "The artist" vol. 4, pp. 10-14; play three paintings in the anthology "Three centuries of Russian painting" St. Petersburg,1994;playing in the third volume of Antologia "Russian painting XX century" by V. S. Manin "Aurora"St. Petersburg, pp. 283, 284, 285,289, 2007; exhibition catalogue of V. Bows, A. Buldakov, N. Pyatakhin, I. Fadin. L. 1989. and the catalogue of the exhibition "Moscow-Petersburg" Moscow, Bolshoi Manege", 2001.
Continually working in the Studio, as a painter, the artist gives a lot of energy teaching activities from 1972 to 1976гг. – Children's art school No. 1 and 1976. present – Spbgasu. Him in 1995 he was awarded the academic title of associate Professor in the Department of drawing. Occupying the post of Professor at Saint-Petersburg State University of architecture and construction, N.Pyatakhin creates a unique method of teaching, the ideas of which are outlined in the student manual "Pictorial composition. Introduction to visual thinking", SPb, 1994.In 2008. he has published methodological pozadia "the Formation of composite thinking. Cast.The concept of the method.System of tasks"and "the Formation of composite thinking. Cast. Still life.System of tasks".
N. Pyatakhin is not limited to any one genre, he has written and still lifes, and portraits, and landscapes, but the main thing in his work is the painting in which his compositional gift is more pronounced. In legacy of the wizard you can see a few leading themes that form a kind of series. Among them are: maternity, family ("Mother and child"1975., "Family village"1976., "Lullaby in the land of lakes", 1989., "Firstborn"in 1986., "First steps"1992.); the world of the artist is revealed in the work ("Artist and model"1976., "Sunday afternoon in the Studio,"1980. "After opening day"of 1985.); the heroism of the Russian army appear in the triptychs, dedicated to the battle of Kulikovo and the great Patriotic war of 1980 and 1984; the Appearance of the Tver land captured in the canvases painted in the 1970s-1990s, - ("the Village under the rainbow"1977, "Haymaking. On earth Venetsianova"1985, "In Tver region", 1989., "Thunder in the village"1989). In the last decade of his work there is a cycle of canvases which might be called "Orthodox Russia"- for example: "Oh, Rus, spread your wings!"1990. "The crucifixion"1993 "Forgotten temple", 1994, "Adoration"1995.
On whichever topic or work painter, he tries to reveal the ideal meaning of an image, whilst retaining a sense of pornotravestis existence. Implemented in the realistic tradition, his artistic world is full of living images and ideas that embody high epic of being and dobromysliya.