Painter, graphic artist, master of photography. The son of a Professor of Philology of the Leningrad University, O. V. Tsekhnovitser and the first beauty Odessa E. Y. hin "Eugene hin, which go the grooms" (Mayakovsky). In 1953 graduated from the architectural faculty LISI. Worked in the Studio of printmaking
at the Academy of fine arts. With the 60-ies worked in the field of art photography, along with B. B. by Vaccinum staged a number of exhibitions, including the exhibition "a Change of seasons on the stones of the great city"
in the Leningrad branch of Union of architects, exhibition of graphics and photography at the Leningrad writers ' Union, banned 24 days after the opening of the exhibition "About town" in a cafe on Gorky street in Moscow and the Moscow Union of architects. At the end of the Khrushchev period Tsekhnovitser was the only member of the Union of architects, who opposed the planned "reconstruction" of the Nevsky Prospekt, the alleged device marketing units of the Leningrad economic Council the place of the cut of two floors of buildings along the Avenue. The result of this intercession for the city was the silence of the master. The only built project Tsekhnovitser building in Leningrad cafe "Orbita" on Bolshoi Prospekt of Petrogradskaya side. In the 70-ies – 80-ies project Tsekhnovitser have created several objects in Armenia
including ferro cement shell with a span of 50x50 m in the Main exhibition hall in Yerevan at the time the thinnest in Europe. But most of the development of industrial and residential structures could not be implemented.