Painter, taught at the Surikov Institute of painting, candidate of art Sciences.
Member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1950). In 1950 he graduated from MGHI them. V. I. Surikov. A veteran of WWII. Participated in all-Union art exhibition (1950) and the exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960) in Moscow.
A professional artist, a painter, in 1950 he graduated from the Academy of fine arts and was accepted as a member of the Moscow branch of Union of artists. His grandfather, Alex, was a priest, and his father was a Tolstoyan, so his son he was named after L. N. Tolstoy. The artist's mother was descended from an old noble family.
L. N. Shipov — the participant of the great Patriotic war, it was all from private to major, commander of the reconnaissance. Under him served and fought our famous artist Yuri Nikulin. And after the war their friendship continued, the soldiers often met in the artist's home on a Treadmill.
During the war years the artist found his other half Helen, daughter of the famous breeder I. L. Zalivskiy. When he fought on the Leningrad front, under the Lahta, she was quite a young girl, younger than her future husband for 12 years. The war years separated them, but after the war he found his sweetheart married.
Tolstoy was a "workaholic", working tirelessly. Often traveled around the country, always with a sketchbook. Professor, Ph. D., associate Professor, he taught at the Moscow state art Institute im. V. I. Surikov. At the Institute he had his own painting workshop. Big participated in various exhibitions at the highest level, fulfil state orders. "The speech of A. A. Zhdanov at the Congress of composers" — in this painting he has painted portraits of all known Soviet composers.
But with a special passion Shipov wrote flowers. Most of the flower compositions and still lifes made from nature.
(From the article: "Bouquet with dahlias" Valentina Surikova)