(1899, St. Petersburg — 1986, Leningrad).
Soviet architect, designer and teacher. The Creator of the Leningrad school of design, the founder of the Department of design and industrial graphic art at the Leningrad College of industrial arts. V. I. Mukhina.
Joseph A. Wachs graduated from the architectural faculty of the Russian Academy of arts, workshop of academician I. A. Fomin. Worked as assistant with the architects V. A. Shchuko, D. E. and G. A. Black of Sims. In 1926 he defended his thesis project "House of meetings", received the title of artist-architect.
In the year of graduation began to teach drawing at drama school Academic theaters of Petrograd. In the 30 years of the project combines creative work with teaching at the Architectural College and at the Leningrad Institute of industrial construction.
C 1926 to 1941 I. A. Vaks works in construction and design organizations of Leningrad city Council. Designs and builds a house in the style of constructivism, which occupies an entire block (Nevsky prospect, 146, Bakunina str., 1-3, Krasnoarmeyskaya Ave, 1). Interior design stores ("Tissue" on Nevsky prospect 32, etc.), theaters and schools. Develops furniture and equipment. Engaged in the creation of small architectural forms.
Involved in competitive projects: the House of the Peasant in Petrozavodsk (all-Union competition, II prize); House of Government in Minsk (USSR competition); the draft plan of the "New" Murmansk (USSR competition, IV prize); the House of Soviets in Vyborg (USSR competition, II prize). Builds houses in Leningrad, Petrozavodsk, residential block and a hotel in Novosibirsk.
I. A. Vaks one of the first Leningrad architects began working in the field of design. During the war years engaged in camouflage airfields of the red banner Baltic fleet. In 1941-1942, designs and builds special structures on the "Road of life" across lake Ladoga.
May 1943 — the chief architect of the construction Management of the Leningrad city Council.
In the postwar years I. A. Vaks, together with the architect by S. L. Kalininym has developed a series of equipment projects for the interiors of passenger steam-ships "Moscow", "Yakutia", "Alexander Mozhaysky", "Yury Dolgoruky"; 1955-1967 years carried out a reconstruction of the trading hall "Gostiny Dvor". In 1957 was created the famous tram in Leningrad LM-57.
In 1945 Joseph A. Wachs, along with other well-known Leningrad architects propose to engage in the training of specialists of applied and decorative arts.
In February 1945, on the basis of School buildings architectural decoration of the Leningrad Executive Committee decision of Sovnarkoma of the USSR was recreated art school, founded in pre-revolutionary Russia that was called Leningrad higher art and industrial school named after V. I. Mukhina. I. A. Vaks becomes the head of one of divisions of industrial art. At the same time in this school work with such famous architects as: O. L. Lyalin, M. A. Shepilevsky, L. N. Lindroth, N. F. Borushko, J. N. Lukin, V. D. Kirkhoglani, L. S. Katonin, and others.
Graduates of the early postwar years led the recovery of paintings and decoration of the palaces in the city and suburbs; has been awarded the State awards, medals of the Academy of arts of the USSR, orders of the USSR, and in 1986, when it was restored the Palace and Park ensembles of the suburbs of St. Petersburg-Leningrad — Lenin prize.
In the early 1950-ies Leningrad College of industrial arts. Mukhina was the first University in the country where trained specialists in industrial arts at the chair, which in 1952 was led by Joseph A. Wachs.
Joseph A. Wachs has taught at Leningrad College of industrial arts.In.And.Mukhina from 1945 to 1975.
* Kirikov B. M. Kirikova, L. A.,Petrova O. V. Nevsky prospect. The house behind the house. 2-e Izd.,CRIN.. — M.: tsentrpoligraf, 2006. — 371 S. — ISBN 5-9524-2069-9, p. 180.
* From the history of Soviet architecture 1941-1945 Documents and materials.-Moscow: "Nauka", 1978. −212с.,Il., IB N 4313,p. 55.
* Projects of the monument to academician architect I. A. Fomin.-Leningrad: Publishing LOSA, 1939.-76 p., Il. N 4620, pp. 20,21.
* Lavrov L. P. 1000 addresses in St. Petersburg, a Short architectural guide.-SPb.: "Eclectic", 2008. −416с.;2040 ill.,photos, p. 94.
* Lisowski V. St. Petersburg: in 2 t. T. 2, From classical to modern. -SPb.: "Kolo", 2009. -584 p. ISBN 978-5-901841-58-7, p. 380,417.
* Yearbook of the Leningrad branch of Union of Soviet architects. Issue 1-2 (XV—XVI). Leningrad. 1940
* Kirikov B. M., Stieglitz, M. S. the Architecture of the Leningrad avant-garde. Guide. -SPb.: "Kolo", 2008. ISBN 978-5-901841-49-5.