Cornelis de

Netherlands • 1621−1706

Born in Delft, 1 July 1621 in the family of a jeweler. Among his relatives were members of the clergy, gave Corelius a higher social status. Upon completing his education, the artist in 1642 joined the Guild of St. Luke. After 3 years, accumulating enough money to travel and making sure that with his work he can earn, he went to Paris. There he was well received, but the following year he via Lyon and Lombardy goes to Florence. After staying there for 2 years and enlisting financial support from local patrons, de man moves to Rome, where he remains for several years. Finally deciding to return home, he spends a few months in Venice. Only 9 years later, in 1654, de Mann returned to Delft, where he would remain until his death in 1706. He was repeatedly elected to the Board of the Guild of St. Luke was the head of the community. Wrote Italian and naturalistic Dutch landscapes, interiors of churches, 1658 – genre paintings, there are several portraits and engravings. Portrayed – mostly priests or officials professional occupations. Knowing your weaknesses is the inability to portray a live mimicry of persons, he successfully compensated for this expressive gestures depicted. One of the famous works – "Plant for the smelting of whale oil in the archipelago." Never seen Svalbard, the artist painted quite an interesting picture according to eyewitnesses.

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