Was born January 15, 1973 in Potsdam, Germany.
1996 – graduated from the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinsky.
Since 1998 he teaches at the graphic art faculty of WGPU them. K. D. Ushinsky.
1998-2000 – working as an art critic in city and national press.
C 2004 – the participant of city, regional and Republican exhibitions, including: 2005 – international exhibition in Prague "Odessa Rhapsody", 2005 - "Odessa artists in Lavra", Kyiv, 2007, the February party of the Transcarpathian plein air in Soimy, June – member of the international Symposium of painting, Koblevo.
Personal exhibitions:
2006 - April – world club Odessa, October – exhibition hall of the Department of internal policy of the Odessa city Council.
2007, July - City art gallery.
Works in easel painting in the genres of still life, landscape, easel composition. Works are in private collections of Ukraine, Germany, Canada, Israel