Vladimirovich Talalai

Russia • 1934−1987

Biography and information

(11.08.1934, Leningrad – 14.09.1987, Chelyabinsk), architect, corresponding member. The SA of the USSR (1963), winner of the St. Owls. Min. Of the USSR (1981, for the project from the public.-residential complex on Lenin Ave.). B. in a family of artists, W. L. Talalay, and R. I. Eilenkrig. Graduated From Moscow. archit. in-t (1959). In March 1960 he went to work in the workshop № 2 of the Institute “gorproekt” the main architect of projects. Worked as a Deputy of the head architect of the city (1974-77), then returned to his former place of work. Contributed to the design of residential and public. complexes. Participated in the development of projects of building of microdistrict in the street (1960-64, construction 1964-66) and mikrorajjona zarechnyjj (1961-62, construction 1963-66). According to his projects built: the building of Obstaravania on the street Communes, 139 (1962, p in 1963-64), pam. “Feat” to graduates of school No. 1, died during the siege of Leningrad. Otech. war (1970, sculptor V. P. Bokarev), the complex of buildings of the House of political education (1969, p in 1970-72, with the participation of B. V. Petrova, ing. So Yugovskoe the diploma of Gosstroy of the RSFSR), the building of the Institute “Giprostanok” on the street (1980). Member. teams in the design of the memorial complex “the Memory of you is stronger than death” in the Forest cemetery (1975, sculptors L. E. Golovnitsky, together. Yuri Danilov), the building of the Kalinin district Committee of the CPSU (1975, jointly. Petrov, K. Mesinai, ing. Yu Aparici, sculptor E. Makarov) and pam. M. I. Kalinin (sovm. with Petrov, the sculptors I. V. Beschastnov V. Maganov), the complex 14-storey residential buildings with units of service on Lenin Ave. (1978, jointly. Petrov, B. A. Baranov, V. Svetlichnyi,ing. V. G. Lamanov, A. V. Naumov), a 14-storey houses on St. of Kirov with service units and on street tsvillinga from the Exhibition hall CX (1977, jointly. with Petrov, Baranov), the area with pam. I. V. Kurchatov (1986, jointly. with by Glazyrina V. L.,Petrov, sculptor V. A. Avakyan). Worked scientific. work in Leningrad. zones. the Institute model and experiment. designing residential and public. buildings (Lenzniiep) under arms-tion of Dr. of architecture Platonov, G. D. (1973). On society. the principles taught at the school factory artists at the regional party Committee, he headed the Department of fine arts. faculty of culture in Lenin University knowledge, member. Urban planning. Council and the Council of Arts. Fund of the Russian Federation. Elected DEP. district Council DEP. workers (1975-77), member. Board CHOSE, led the section of the monument. propaganda and synthesis of the arts (1967-87). Worked as a depth artist productions: “a Time to love” and “Most expensive” in the drama theatre, 1962, “Four crosses on the sun” (ibid, 1966), “Jolly fellows” (TUZ,1968), “Filumena of Martorana” (drama, 1984).

(author: T. A. Polyakova)

Lit.: Kudzaev O. A. Sculptural chronicle of the region / O. A. Kuzaev, A. S. Vaganov. H, 1989; Rovinsky E. White person with neprorabotanny face / E. Rovinsky, Vladimir Kovalev // bull. architecture. 1999. No. 8.

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