Daughter of the artist I. M. Crvich. He lives in Moscow.
1948 - Born in Moscow. 1967 - Graduated from Krasnopresnenskaya children's art school. 1972 - Graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. - industrial University. S. G. Stroganov. 1976 - Member of the artists Union. С1972 - Participant of Moscow, Republican, all-Union exhibitions. Main genre: still life, landscape. 1993-94 -Exhibition in Milan, Mantua, Venice. The work acquired by cultural Foundation A. Verdiglione in Milan. 1999 - the Personal insert in the library. Sun. Ivanov in Moscow. 2001 - Exhibition in the London gallery Paul Hawkins. 2002 - Personal exhibition in NEOD e in Moscow. Works are in private collections in Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, England.