Born October 16, 1938 in Moscow.
The first who helped Vasily Szczerba to choose their own path in art, and led him down this path, was a school art teacher of Moscow secondary school №252 Sergey Fedorov. With him, Vasily went to the open air, sketching, passionately falling in love with the art of the painter!
In later years Basil Scherba had many other mentors. In the Moscow state pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin, art-graphic faculty, where he graduated in 1962, was taught by wonderful artists — M. A. Serov, B. M. Nemensky, Khristenko, V. P. Efanov, E. SATEL.
Historically the creative life and that teaching was the main business of his life, or rather the education of young artists, and he understands how art can be one of the most difficult — turning young people into artists.
For over 30 years has given art education at Children's art school named after V. Serov.
He trained many wonderful people, many of whom also chose the way in art.