Nikolaevna Baryshnikova

Was born in Moscow. After graduating from secondary school he studied at the art school at Butkevych, and in the Studio of artist J. G. Ryazhskaya.

He graduated from the Moscow Printing Institute, specialty "graphic artist".

Worked as an art editor in publishing houses: "Voenizdat", "Moscow" and "Vneshtorgizdat".

In the Vneshtorgizdat participated in the production of advertising brochures, posters "Intourist", "International books".

He worked as an editor and artist at the publishing house "Soviet Red cross", "Russian language", "Knowledge and power", "Memology".

Participated in the creation of the first magazine "Official Chronicle" of Patriarch Alexei II as an artist and art editor.

Since 1997 works in the children art school # 1 (now Serov) first as a teacher of composition, and from 2001 as a librarian.

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