Associate Professor of painting and composition MSPU, CIT.
Born in 1967 in the city of Omsk.
In 1989 he graduated from art - graphic faculty of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. A. M. Gorky.
From 1992 to 1995 – postgraduate student of the Department of methods of teaching art art-graphic faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University.
In 1995 he defended his thesis on "Formation of skills of different art materials as a means of enhancing creativity".
In 1998 he was awarded the academic title of associate Professor.
Since 2000 – works at the faculty of fine arts and design, Moscow city pedagogical University ( 2000 to 2008 – assistant Professor of drawing and painting, since 2008 – associate Professor of painting and composition).
Winner of the Mayor's office of Moscow in the field of education (1999) and the laureate of competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of science and technology in education ( 2002).
Engaged in creative activities. Participant of five international plein air in France ( the city of Bessan, Boneval). Takes part in domestic and foreign art exhibitions. Paintings and graphic works Golovanova I. L. are available in municipal and private collections in Russia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Canada.
(Source:website of Moscow state pedagogical University)