Vyacheslavovich Yatsenko

Russia • born in 1975

Born in 1975 in Moscow. In 1990-93 -studied at mshsh them. Tomsk at MGHI them. Surikov V. I. 1999 - Graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. VI Surikov, the Studio of easel painting V. N. Zabelina. 1996 - Training in Stalkerskoy Academy of arts. 1999 - Member of the Ministry of agriculture. 1993 - scholarship of the humanitarian Fund "Knowledge" to them. Vavilova. 1996 - Scholarship Of The "Kunstlerwege 96" (Germany). 1997-98 Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation. 2000 - Scholarship of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation. 2002 - Diploma of the Union of artists of Russia "For achievements in art and for contributing to the development of fine arts of Russia". Works are in private and corporate collections in Russia, Germany, the UK and the USA.

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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