Born 16.09.1938, Moscow, Russia
Education: 1959-1965 – the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov. Diploma artist-sculptor.
Since 1970 member of the Union of artists of Russia
1972-73 winner of the first and second prize for works on all-Union and Republican exhibitions
1986 Medal "For labour valour" to the No. 377719
1988 First prize at the sculpture Symposium on granite in Podolsk
1993 Honored artist of the Russian Federation
1995 Silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts
Since 1996 member of the "Association of art critics" (AIS)
1997 First prize for sculpture in the international competition "Art International Prize" AIP – 97
2002 – corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts
2003 people's artist of the Russian Federation
2005 Prize of the Central Federal district in the nomination "Fine arts"
2006 gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts
2007 full member, academician
The Russian Academy Of Arts
More than 70 works are in 44 museums in Russia and in 18 public organizations, including the State Tretyakov gallery and in private collections in Russia, France, England, Germany, USA, South Korea, Sweden, Norway.
1985 – 2007 party of 16 Russian and international symposia. Over the years, had 12 solo exhibitions and over 100 group of various level in Russia and abroad.
The creative journey:
1973. Hungary
1978. Greece – Egypt
1982. Poland – Czechoslovakia
1984. Italy
1989. France
1992, 1998. Cite des Arts
1998. Germany
1997, 2003. Norway
1999 – 2002. Estonia
1997 – 2007. Sweden, symposia on granite
1999 – 2007. Finland
(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)