Academician of architecture (1874). Honorary member of the House of mercy (1889). Vowel City Duma.
In 1859 he was admitted to the Academy of fine Arts. Received medals: in 1864 - 2 silver for the "theater project for a provincial city"; in 1865 - 1 silver for "the project of a stone rural Orthodox Church's 150 parishioners"; in 1866 - 2 gold; in 1868 - 1 gold for "project of the Conservatory building." He graduated from the Academy of fine Arts in 1869. In 1870 he received the title of class artist of 1 degree, and was sent overseas for 4 years. In 1874, he received the title of academician for the project "rich hotels". Worked as an architect orphanage (1874-1893), house of charity for poor Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (1877-1887), the court of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich the elder (1883-1892) and also an architect of the insurance company "Russia" and the Association of New managerially.