Born near the town of Ustyuzhna Vologda region in the family servants
23 APR 1950
From early childhood showed a greater tendency to fine art. At 14 years old took part in the exhibition of artists of the Vologda region, Vologda.
In 1966 – 70 he studied in mhpu them. Kalinina. Years of training in Moscow, were devoted to the painstaking labor of mastering classical drawing and painting.
A unique collection of works by old masters, especially in the field of miniature painting from the collections of the museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg inspired the young talent to the election of specialization in a refined miniature painting on hot enamel (finift) of the St. Petersburg school.
In 1970 – 74 he worked at the factory "Rostov finift"; In 1974 – 81. in the ETPK of Moscow.
Since 1973, constantly participated in exhibitions.
Since 1988 — member of the artists Union of the USSR.
С1981 year began working as a freelance artist, entirely focused on a single author's works. Among the works of the artist set "Russian field" (Armory), brooch "gray" (the Armoury Chamber), the song "Boldino autumn" (GIM), parur "Carousel" (GIM), brooch "Butterfly" (GIM), bracelet "Wave" (the Armoury Chamber), medallion with a portrait of Tchaikovsky (GIM), a portrait of the Unit (TG), portrait of Anna Pavlova (Moscow), portrait of Chekhov (Sergiev Posad), portraits of composers: Chopin, Bach, Beethoven and Mozart (private collection) and many others. By orders of the Ministry of culture and Ministry of foreign Affairs established: portrait Jaruzelski, a portrait of Gagarin, portraits Savitskaya and Tereshkova and others. Orders by private persons was made a number of creative works of portraiture and narrative painting on hot enamel. On the orders of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church was made of plaques for Church utensils and a number of icons.