He graduated from GASBU, specialty clothing designer. Thesis was performed under the direction of Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Display of the work took place in his House mod. 2004 gallery "Art-the play" was a fashion show. In 2005 participated in the exhibition "Interiors of the Maharajas", held at the Kuznetsk, 11.
Participated in the following exhibitions:
2007 - "Gallery of 21 century".
2007 - "the window of my house".
2008 - "Decorative art of the Moscow Spring 2008".
Participated in the fashion shows of:
2007 - the Central exhibition hall "Manege", in the days of the anniversary exhibition "Moscow - artists -Moscow"
2008 - Exhibition hall Kuznetsky D. 11.
2009 - "Creative club of Moscow artists textiles".