
Russia • born in 1955

Biography and information

Was born in 1955. in Moscow. Began participating in exhibitions since 1979. In 1989. he joined the Union of artists of the USSR. Lyudmila Kulishova-artist episode. Using the classic technique of "smooth weaving", the author creates a truly monumental work, and impressive scale and depth of meaning. Was repeatedly awarded prizes and diplomas. The work of Ludmilla Kuleshovoj are in the State Tretyakov gallery, Museum of history and art of the city of Zaraisk Historical and architectural Museum of the city of Volokolamsk, in the collection of the Directorate of exhibitions of the Union of artists of Russian Federation, in the collections of unicommercial Bank and Bank Vozrozhdenie, in public and private collections of Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Belgium.

(Source: website of the Ministry of agriculture)