Karlovich Vergeim

Russia • 1842−1898

Biography and information

One of the founders of the St. Petersburg society of architects.

An auditor student at the Academy of fine Arts. During the period of study received medals in 1861 - 2nd silver; in 1862 - the same for "project architect house". In 1864 awarded the title of artist with the right to rank 14 class; in 1865 - the title of class artist of 1 degree. Upon the graduation he worked in St. Petersburg.


building almshouses Philistine Islands. Moskovsky prospect, 95 (1864-70. Sovm. with V. A. Schreter); apartment house. Klin., 22 (1878).


The architects and builders of Saint-Petersburg of the middle XIX-beginning of XX century. SPb., 1997. S. 71; S. Kondakov, vol. 2, p. 305.

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