Mikhailovich Iofan

Russia • 1891−1976

Biography and information

Nar. architect USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1926. Graduated from Odessa HUD. Uch-school (1911), Institute of fine arts (1916) and the School of engineers (1919) in Rome. From 1916 he worked as an architect in Italy. In 1921-24 member of the Italian Communist party. From 1924 he lived in Moscow, worked in his workshop. The author of the project of housing societies. the complex is in the spirit of constructivism (the so-called "House on the embankment") in Moscow (1928-31), sanatorium in Barvikha near Moscow (1931-35), the Palace of the Soviets (1931-33, adopted in the final version in et al. with V. Gelfreikh and Vladimir Shchuko), the USSR pavilion at the world exhibition in Paris (1937) and new York (1939), the complex of buildings of the Mining and Petroleum institutes on Leninsky Avenue (1947-50), development Ismailova and Marina grove (1955-66) in Moscow and in other works. The Winner Of The St. St. (1941).