Yuryevna Novikova

Russia • born in 1954


1954 was Born in the town of Kudymkar of the Perm region.

1973 Graduated from the Perm school of arts and graphics N 4

1988 Perm state pedagogical Institute

2007 member of the Union of artists of Russia

(b. 10.01.1954 in Kudymkar of Perm. obl ). Chart (easel and book graphics).

He Graduated From Perm. graphic art school №4. (1973). He then worked in the Palace of pioneers Kudymkar head of art Studio and head of the art Department. (1974 - 1988). In 1986 - graduated from the philological faculty of Perm. state pedagogical University. Since 1992, Novikov - art] the Permian Komi kN. Izd-VA, collaborates with the child's Sib. "Silken" and local Newspapers....

1997 – Nina Y. Chairman of the creative Union of artists of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous district, the head of the Association "Artists from Kudymkar"...

Party reporting exhibition of the Permian Komi artists in Perm. state art gallery (2004) 2006 - the great plein air "Perm Krai - 2006 (Perm - Ekaterinburg), a city, County exhibitions, national competitions "the Best book" (Moscow, VDNH, 1995, 1998, 2003), mezhdunar. exhibition (Moscow, exhibition center, 1995, 1996, 1997).

Lit.: Parma artists: painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics: [album cut] / [comp. N. Yulia Novikova ed.; introd. article: D. A. Zhdanov]. Kudymkar: [b. I.], 2004 (Perm: Star). 120, [2] p.: Col. Il.;

Zhdanov D. A. the Artists of Parma // Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug on the turn of the century. Kudymkar, 2000. S. 222-227;

Zhdanov Modern artists of Parma. Booklet of the exhibition. Perm, 2004.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", A. D. Zhdanov)

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