Was born in Voronezh in 1958
1977 – Penza art College named after K. A. Savitsky, sculpture Department, Rev. V. I. Koshelev.
Lives in Voronezh
2010 - opening of the library named after A. Platonov, X. Divnogorie, Voronezh region.
2009 – "Angels. Earth. The sky" (together with A. Krapivina), G. H. L. A. M., Voronezh.
2008 – Russian Povera - Perm Museum of contemporary art, Perm. "Arheart". Divnogorie, Voronezh region.
The opening of the gallery H. L. A. M., Voronezh
2005 – monument to the Marquis De Lafaette (with Y. Tkachenko and V. Pavlov), St. Avold, France
2004 – opening of the Museum "the Miracle shed", H. Divnogorie, Voronezh region.