Appolonovich Chumachenko

Russia • 1909−1988

A member of the Union of architects of the USSR since 1944, one of the organizers and first deans (1961 - 1964.g.) re-organized the artistic-graphic faculty of Pedagogical Institute named Herzen.

Alexander Apollonovich Chumachenko was born in Rostov-on-don in 1909, the year. His youth was typical of a generation of people that were part of life in the first years after the revolution.

In 1930, the year he graduated from the United workers ' faculty of arts named after Lunacharsky in Moscow, then - the first course of graphic faculty of the higher art and technical Institute and finally, in 1937, the year of architectural faculty of the Leningrad Institute of civil engineering (now University). The distribution was sent to Gorstroyproekt, Saransk. Participated in the design and construction of the camp Ruzaevka, cinema and nurseries in Saransk in 1937 – 39, G. G., the Last years before the war, was in the city FROM Leningrad, working as a painter and architect.

In July 1941, Alexander Apollonovich, as a senior Lieutenant in the engineering corps of the reserve, was drafted into the Red Army and fought on the Karelian front as a sapper company commander. Here's what it says in its combat characteristic of the period. ”From July to October 1941, the year comrade. Chumachenko, being a sapper company commander, participated with his unit in combat with the enemy, while showing great courage. Preparing the way tanks and infantry, he with the soldiers of a company under heavy machine-gun and mortar fire in the area of Piasere took more than 700 min.

14 September in the battle of Nircam and Christina, when the enemy attempted to surround our regiment, Lieutenant Chumachenko several times I led a company attack and broke through the encirclement, and later continued to carry out combat missions”. Part of Alexander Apollonovich in the great Patriotic war is marked by government awards.

After demobilization in 1945, the year Alexander Apollonovich was enrolled in the state teachers restored the Higher school of Industrial art (former Baron Stieglitz), named hereinafter the name of V. I. Mukhina. He had worked for 16 years at the departments of drawing, fundamentals of architecture and drawing.

In 1961, the year Alexander Apollonovich was elected to contest the post of senior lecturer of the Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen and later became one of the founders and first deans (1961-1964 gg) organized the artistic-graphic faculty. In 1964, the year he completely switched to teaching. Twenty-six educational activities Alexander Apollonovich ended only after his retirement in 1971 year. In order to Institute it this way: ”Alexandr Apollonovich Chumachenko in lgpi imeni A. I. Gertsena 10 years. In 1961, the year he was appointed Dean of the art-graphic faculty and for three years was the main organizer of all the work of the young team. As a qualified teacher, an experienced artist and educator, he has put a lot of work into the training of young artists, the teachers, have done a lot of research and creative work.”

Along with teaching Alexander Apollonovich, as a member of the Association of artists “Lenso”, worked in the field of decorative and design art, architecture of small forms of graphics. He has participated in several exhibitions and competitions. On the pages of Newspapers and magazines (Ogonek, “Week”, “Leningradskaya Pravda”, “Evening Leningrad”, “Change”, etc.) repeatedly published his works in the genre of political satire and humor. A lot of time Alexander Apollonovich pays his favorite kind of painting watercolors, the love of which was instilled in him by his teacher, Professor N. L.Podberesky.

Participation in exhibitions:

1938-1941 gg Exhibitions of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Soviet artists (LOSSKH): “Pavlovsk”, “Catherine Park” “Autumn sketch”, b. watercolor.

1958 Autumn exhibition of works by Leningrad artists: “In the Islands”, “Willow”, b. watercolor.

(Source: LJ, too_much_and_cos journal)

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