Shakhna Khaimov

Russia • 1856−1910

Biography and information

Student of the Academy of arts from 1882, Received 2 silver medal. 30 Oct 1887 – the title of class artist of 3 degrees.


The full name of Nisselson Sajna-Sholom Haimovich (Alexander Efremovich) (1856 — 1910)

He graduated from the Academy in 1887 received the title of class. hood. architect 3rd article has been in private practice in Moscow. Rebuilt the mansion at ul. M. Dmitrovka, 12 (1893), was involved in building a ve ZD. Conservatory (B. Nikitskaya str., 13). Lit.: Kondakov S. N. Anniversary directory of the Imperial Academy of arts. 1764-1914. — Saint-Petersburg, 1915. — T. II, p. 369.

Resided in Moscow at Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, House Demould.t-VA Architects. Reference book"All Moscow in 1901."

(Source: O. Nisselson)

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