Born on the island of Osel, in the Baltic countries. Their training the silver and gold medals in the Academy of arts (studied from 1858 to 1862) E. Ducker received for the types of Livonia. In a pensioner's trip in the future his work (and the artist worked most of his life in Dusseldorf) E. E. Ducker kept coming back in his canvases, for reasons dear to his heart Baltic childhood: "Swamp on the island of rügen" (1868), "View in Estonia" (1869), "the View of the island Margene near Reval" (1874), "the Motive of the North sea" (1880), "Beach stones" (1886). The artist travels around Europe, some of his paintings refers to the academic exhibition in St. Petersburg.
10 Feb 1841 born Russian artist – academics Eugene E. Ducker. In 1858 he entered the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of arts. In the first year of teaching, in 1859, he gets his first silver medal (two), in 1860, one silver medal. In 1861, for the painting "Livonia kinds of" Academy awards him a gold medal. In 1862 E. Ducker gets the title of class artist.
Gold medal allowed him to pensionerstvo overseas. He toured Europe from 1863 to 1869, lives in Germany. This time his acquaintance of A. P. Bogolyubov.
His work "Harvest in Dusseldorf," written in 1867, apparently, was acquired by A. Bogolyubov and entered the Saratov state art Museum named after A. N. Radishchev from his collection. Field fading into the distance. A small forest in the background. The footpath abutting the lower-right corner of the picture, is a woman. On the right are two female figures working in the field. To the left is an uncompressed field and a number of yellow-brown skird some, stretching into the distance. In the foreground – the crop was already cut, and through the yellow fog breaks green grass. Before us is a pure species landscape. The path divides the canvas into two unequal parts, due to which it seems deployed not only distance, but also right. It forms the compositional center of the top of one of the stacks. In the work apparent as the tradition of the Russian academic landscape species and the landscape of the Dutch. The influence of the Dutch is seen in the grey, cloudy sky, which occupies two-thirds of the picture – after all, the Dutch were the first who showed the world the beauty of this like a colorless sky, poetizatsii heavy farm labor. Work effectively and so beautiful – is picturesquely expressed the concept works. And this also shows the Dutch tradition with its sense of timeless beauty to everyday life.
In 1873, Eugene E. received a professorship. In 1908, for the work of "Swamp", "seashore", "the Field after the harvest", he was awarded the title of academician.
E. E. Tucker died in Dusseldorf in 1916.