Dmitrievich Trubitsyn

Russia • born in 1938

Biography and information

B. 25.02.1938, D. Wasikowska (Moscow region). In Bronnitsy since 1970. Lived in Molotov, Kaluga. Studied at MVHPU (b. Stroganov) – 1964-70 M. G. Demina, G. V. Kryukov, diploma work – a monumental composition for school. The 50th anniversary of V. I. Lenin (Ruza, Moscow region). G. V. Kryukov.

Mechanic aviation plant N211 (Molotov, 1956-57), Kaluga turbine plant (Kaluga, 1960-65), carpenter (1965-69), Professor of AHU (1970-80), SHPM (1980-96). Member of the artists Union (1977).

Performed works: decorative composition: "Owl", "Roachlike" (both 1972), "Rural bath" (1975), the plastic "Puppets" (wood, metal, 1975), the medal "!941", "Victory Day" (both bronze casting, 1977), a series of medals "Moscow metro" (bronze, casting, 1979), a series of plaques "the battle of Kulikovo" (bronze, casting, 1979), plaques "Peter I – the founder of Russian fleet" Pereslavl (both bronze casting, 1979), a triptych "Veterans" (wood, carving, 1988); plaque: "the 800th anniversary of "Word about Igor's regiment", "Borodino", "Nakhimov", "Rustic bath" (D., metal stamping).

Participant of exhibitions (since 1972), including: the Moscow regional exhibition "25 years of the MOOSKH" (Moscow, 1972), the Moscow regional exhibition of monumental and decorative art (Moscow, 1974), the fifth Republican art exhibition "Soviet Russia" (M., 1975), Moscow regional exhibition "30 years of Victory" (Moscow, 1975), the Moscow regional exhibition of watercolours, sculpture of small forms (M., 1976), the Moscow regional art exhibitions (Moscow, 1976, 1977), Republican exhibition "Sculpture of small forms" (M., 1977), zonal art exhibition "Moscow" (Moscow, 1980), the Third zonal art exhibition "Moscow" (Moscow, 1990).

His works are stored in SPMZ.

DIRECTORIES: Zonal art exhibition "Podmoskov'e":. – M., 1980. – P. 83. Third zonal art exhibition "Moscow":-G. – M., 1990. – P. 58. [123]

A. G.

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