Nikolayevich Glushenkov

Russia • born in 1957

Biography and information

B. 03.05.1957, the village Nelidovo (Kalinin, now Tver region). He studied at AHPU them. V. M. Vasnetsov (1973-77) at V. P. Sinyavina, thesis project: sculpture of small forms, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the plant "Ural stone-cutter".

The artist Bogdanovich porcelain factory, the artist of the Moscow city advertising (1977), Spektr (1979-83), Mosgorreklama (1983), the restorer and Carver of iconostases of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew painter (Sergiev Posad, 1983). Member of the artists Union (2003).

Working in the field of artistic processing of wood, stone. The main direction of creativity – design and manufacturing of carved decoration of the temples with the use of an ensemble approach to religious space.

Performed works: Souvenirs "Bears", "the Wrestler" (China, 1980, Bogdanovich porcelain factory), sculpture of small forms "Clown", "Behemoth", "the Circus" (stone, 1992). Designed and produced decorative interior: Cathedral (Tver), Church of the Holy Trinity (M), the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Tolyatti, all – 1998-2002).

Participant of exhibitions (since 1977), including: "My Moscow" (Moscow, 1992), the I-th all-Russian art exhibition of modern temple art "Transformation" (Yaroslavl, 2002), "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, 2003).

Awarded with the "Gratitude sign of the first degree" of the Russian Orthodox Church for his active participation in the construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Togliatti.

LITERATURE: Bronnitsy: Essays on the history of the Earth the Th. – Sergiev Posad, 2004. – S. 181. DIRECTORY: the I-th all-Russian art exhibition of modern temple art "Transformation": g / the Authors joined. the article W. A. Grekov, N. N. Mukhina. – Yaroslavl, 2002 (without pages). –Autumn salon of decorative-applied and monumental art. K-g show / Authors-comp.: S. V. Gorozhanina, T. A. Volosinov, N. In. Tolstukhina. – 2003. – P. 43. [106,107]

S. G

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