Nikolayevich Soloviev

Russia • 1950−2005

Biography and information

Born in D. Melusina of Ryabinsky district of the Yaroslavl region. Life years: 1950-2005. Zagorski Graduated from College (1970) and the Moscow state Institute of culture (1977). Photographer. A resident of hotkovo (1984). He worked as a photographer in AHPC, a national Amateur cameraman in a film Studio College (in 1975). Published in the Central periodicals "Soviet culture", "Voice of the Motherland", "Light", "land", "Decorative art", "Our heritage" (1980), etc. the Author, compiler, Illustrator of books about the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Khotkovo, the Th earth. Member of the Union of journalists of Russia, honored worker of culture (2002). Solo exhibition was held in Khotkovo (2006). Works are in the Museum-reserve "Abramtsevo", SPGAS in private collections in Russia and abroad.