
Russia • born in 1964

Was born in 1964. in Leningrad.

Member of the Union of architects of Russia, member of Union of artists of Russia.

In 1989. he graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.

Works in the technique of lithography, dry-point, gouache, watercolor, tempera. Engaged book graphics. Awarded with diplomas at the all-Union exhibitions (Leningrad, Minsk).Participated in many International exhibitions: France, Taiwan, Poland, (1994); Belgium, Yugoslavia (1995), V international Biennale of ex-libris in Poland (diploma, 1995), Greece (1999), etc.

Works are kept in Museum collections of the Russian National library (St. Petersburg), the Museum-apartment of A. S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg), Ryazan regional art gallery, the National library of Taipei (Taiwan), art gallery in California (USA) and in private collections in Germany, France, USA, Italy, China.

Carried out several architectural projects.

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