Konstantinovich Venedyukhin

Russia • born in 1938

Biography and information

A member of the Union of Artists of Russia, was born October 27, 1938 in the village of Sofiivka, Shablykinskogo district, Oryol region. In 1943, lives in Moscow region.

Anatoly Venerupin had an interest in painting since childhood, he took lessons of a professional artist classes and art Studio in the House of Pioneers in Moscow.

After seven years of education Anatoly was forced to work at the factory. Secondary education he completed at night school. At the insistence of parents, Anatoly was admitted to the Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. After graduation Anatoly remained to work there as a teacher. Fourteen years of experience in Anatoly prepodavatelei activities, two years of them holds in Ethiopia, lecturing at the Polytechnic University Bahar Dar.

During Professor Anatoly devotes all his spare time painting. It ucitavam was Nature. Much he learned from studying, work, other artist, museums and exhibition halls.

At the age of forty years, Anatoly left the Department Institute, where he taught, abandoning the career of a scientist. The next six years were difficult, but the hard creative work has not been in vain.

Since 1980, Anatoly Venerupin participates in all-Union, all-Russian and regional exhibitions. In 1984, Anatoly was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Venedocia Anatoly's works are in museums and private collections in Rssii, USA, Austria, England, Germany, Israel, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey and other countries.

In 1988, hosted a personal exhibition of Anatoly Venedocia dedicated his 50-year anniversary. The exhibition presents more than 200 works.

In 1992 Anatoly's works were exhibited at the Roy Miles Gallery, London.

In 1993 Anatoly was invited to the United States for the opening of the exhibition of his works in Byffalo Trail Galleries, Jackson knoll, pieces of Wyoming. In the same year he held his first exhibition at the Plainsman Gallery, Clearwater. FL.

In the summer of 1994 a personal exhibition of Anatoly Venedocia was held in the city Motala, Sweden.

Anatoly Venerupin participated in more than 50 exhibitions, among them: all-Union exhibition "On guard of achievements of socialism" 1983, all-Russian exhibition "Blue expanses of Russia" in 1984, all-Union exhibition "Earth and people" in 1984, the all-Russian exhibition "the World defended - save the world" 1985 all-Union exhibition "Forty years of Victory" 1985 all-Union exhibition "On guard of achievements of socialism", 1988, "IX all-Russia Art exhibition Russia" 1999.