1902 Born in the village of Gary, Moscow province.
1919 Relocation to Moscow. Enrolled in the State free art workshops. Acquaintance with G. Klutsis.
1920-1924 and 1926-1929 Studying in Vhutemas-Vhutein, first in the painting department, then in the graphic department.
1921 Marriage with Klutsis.
1922 Second prize at the competition of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU) for the emblem "Metalworkers."
1925 Start of work in the field of photomontage.
1925-1933 Draws up the title pages of many books by A. Kruchenykh.
1928 Start of work as a poster artist. Member of the poster section in the October association. Collaboration in various publishing houses. Performs illustrations (photo montage).
1920s - 1930s Executes the design of many exhibitions, including those organized by the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (VOKS). Works for Izogiz as a poster artist (political poster and exhibition). Participates in the design of Moscow for the revolutionary holidays.
1928 One of the designers of the Soviet pavilion at the International Press Exhibition in Cologne.
1931-1932 Member of the Russian Association of Proletarian Artists (RAPH).
1931-1941 Work on the design of pavilions at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow (VSHV). Performs posters.
1941-1945 Author of several anti-fascist leaflets.
1941-1987 He writes mainly still lifes, as well as landscapes.
1987 Died in Moscow.