Vasilevich Arapov

Russia • born in 1928

(04.07.1928, Zyukayka Perm POS. reg.), restorer, painter, graphic artist, decorative and applied art. Honored. worker of culture of the Russian Federation (1993).

The family moved to Perm in 1929, the artist's Mother Vassa ananievna – kindergarten teacher, father Basil T. – teacher of English and German languages in schools and universities. In 1943-1944 I. V. Arapov worked as the pupil of the illuminator at the Leningrad Academic theatre of Opera and ballet. S. M. Kirov troupe which was at that time in evacuation in the city of Molotov (Perm). In 1944-1945, together with the theatre troupe moved to Leningrad, took part in the reconstruction of the Kirov theatre. Returned to Perm, became interested in drawing; he attended classes at the art Studio of the club Motovilikha district; met with Nikolai Nikolaevich Serebrennikov. He Graduated From Perm. mining College (1950), in 1951-1952. worked as a foreman at rudoremontniy kizelovskii plant. He graduated from the Leningrad art College (1957); studied in one group with known afterwards Perm. book artist Stanislav Romanovich Kovalev. In 1958-1961 he taught at the art Studio of the pioneer KamGES Perm; in 1960 he married Valentina Ivanovna Dobrynin.

1962 – the artist-restorer of Perm. state art gallery (PGHG), which was adopted on the recommendation N. N. Serebrennikov. Was engaged in restoration of works from the collections of icons, wood carvings, Russian and Western European painting. In 1965-1980 he was a member and leader of scientific. expeditions PGHT for Perm. region Was collected and preserved many works of ancient and Nar. art, including dozens of the most valuable monuments of the 16th and 17th centuries; many of them were restored by V. I. Arapova and decorated collection gallery....



Perm, PGHG, 1983, 1989, 2000, 2005

Berezniki, istoriko-kraevedcheskiy Muzey im. After I. F. Konovalov, 1984

Solikamsk regional Museum, 1984

Tchaikovsky, art gallery, 1984

Chusovoy, Cultural and business centre, 2002

Kiev, history Museum, 2002

Suksun, school of art, 2002

Perm, Central city library. A. S. Pushkin, 2006


"The graphics of Perm", Perm, PGHG, 1966

The regional exhibition of works of Perm. artists for the 30th anniversary of the Victory, Perm, Exhibition hall of artists, 1975

Regional exhibition of works of Perm. artists dedicated to the XXV Congress of the CPSU, Perm, Exhibition hall of artists, 1976

"Perm artists. Watercolor, drawing, sculpture. 1960-1990s", Perm, PGHG, 1996

Lit.: Berezina, O. Close to eternity // Vech. Perm. 1979. May 25 (No. 119). S. 3;

I. V. Arapov: catalogue CA. / AVT.-comp. N. V. Skomorovsky. Perm, 1981;

Skomorowska, N. The profession of restorer // Vech. Perm. 1983. 7 Jul;

Igor Arapov: a restorer and artist: show. works: booklet / N. Skomorowska, S. Yamshchikov, V. Kurbatov. Perm, 1989;

Sokolovskaya, E. Holy place //. Perm, 1997. Dec 25;

Igor Arapov: booklet / ed. for vol. I. Fedotova. Perm, 2000. 1 l complex. 8 p.: Il.;

Bobrov, I. Credo Igor Arapov //. Perm, 2005. 1 March (No. 31). S. 2;

Arapov Igor V. // pages of the history of artistic culture of the Kama region: proc. allowance. Perm, 2006. P. 50-51: portr., Il.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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