(b. 13.06.1963, Veseloye village Cape kudymkarskiy district of Perm. region). Schedule. Born into a family of workers. In 1984 he graduated from the art school of Krasnoturyinsk (Sverdlovsk region). Since 1985 he worked in the decoration workshop in the town of Kudymkar.
Since 1992 – teacher of fine arts in the school of arts in Kudymkar. Cooperated with Komi-Permyak publishing house since 1995 Pauline Rychkova - born artist and Illustrator. It has issued several books of the Permian Komi poets and writers.
Of special interest is the figure for children in the children's Sib. "Silicon", art ed. which it is from 1993 ... a Participant of city and regional art exhibitions, including the reporting of the exhibition of the Permian Komi artists in Perm. art gallery (2004).
Lit.: Zhdanov D. A. the Artists of Parma // Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug on the turn of the century. Kudymkar, 2000. S. 222-227;
Parma artists: painting, graphics, sculpture, ceramics: [album cut] / [comp. N. Yulia Novikova ed.; introd. article: D. A. Zhdanov]. Kudymkar: [b. I.], 2004 (Perm: Star). 120, [2] p.: Col. Il.;
Zhdanov Modern artists of Parma. Booklet of the exhibition. Perm, 2004.
(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", A. D. Zhdanov)