The Dionysii of glushitsk (1363 — 1 June 1437) — Holy Russian Church, revered in the face of the monk. The founder and Abbot of several monasteries on the river Sochi in the Vologda region, the icon painter.
According to the hagiographies, the Dionysii of glushitsk were engaged in copying books, sewing garments, carpentry and blacksmith works, and also icons. Today Dionysius is best known as a painter. In the nineteenth century, the hand of Dionysius hlushyts'ke was attributed to many icons. Part of the now-preserved icons of the researchers attributeerror as other works of Dionysius the famous Moscow icon painter; dates back to the later time of creation and cannot belong to the authorship of Dionisy Glushitsky; attribution some icons controversial.
Most known for his icon-portrait of St. Cyril of Kirillo-Belozersky monastery, which is now in the exposition of the State Tretyakov gallery (inv. No. 28835). The inscription on the case, in which there was an icon that read:
The image of the Wonderworker Cyril charged the monk Dionysii of Glushitsk, still live sudo the Wonderworker Cyril, in the summer of 6932. Made sea the ark to the house of the blessed and of the Wonderworker Cyril in summer 7122 with the blessing of Abbot Matthew to the glory of God, Amen.