If Sisung (李思训; 651(0651)-716) is a Chinese artist.
According to Chinese tradition, If Sisung is the Creator of a special genre in Chinese painting, the so — called "blue-green landscape" (so dubbed due to the predominance of blue and green tones). This outstanding artist and administrator belonged to tascosa the Imperial house, who ruled China in 618-907. His life was far from cloudless as you would think about the aristocrat belonging to the Royal family.
After the death of Emperor Taizong, followed in the year 649, came to power his son, the weak-willed Gaotszun (649-683), who, yielding to the tricks and planishes beauty of the former concubine of his father, took her to wife. It was a smart and calculating woman who sought to bring to power his clan. After the death of her husband-Emperor (683г), she openly took power into their own hands, declared herself Empress Wu Zetian, and made the persecution of the reign of Tang house. Aristocrat and artist Lee Sisung for the sake of life had to hide for several years, as long as the Empress Wu Zetian in 704 year has not abdicated the throne.
It is unlikely that in the course of those years, yet If Sisung was hiding, he could seriously pursue painting, and to create a new painting Canon. Most likely, this happened after 704 years, when the ruling Lee clan regained power, which almost sailed out of his hands, and Whether Sisung gaining influence and status of the highly respected official of the Tang court. The strengthening of the political power of the Lee family has led to the fact that the art style If Susunya became dominant in the court art. Theorist and critic of the ninth century Zhang YANYUAN in his essay "Notes on famous artists of different epochs" indicates that in addition to his son Lee Jodo, three representative of the family If younger brother If Susuna — Sihui, son Sihua — Linfu and nephew Linghu — OAC, were artists, whose works were highly prized in that era. Moreover, If Linfu, who continued the family tradition of "blue-green landscape", became the head of the Cabinet of Ministers in the government of Swanstone Emperor (712-756), and from 736 until his death in 752 he was virtually a dictator.
After the abdication of Wu Zetian in 704 G. Li Sisung was almost immediately appointed head of the Department of Affairs of the Imperial family (Tsungani CIN). Further positions and titles were strewed in abundance; he was the head of the Prefecture of yizhou, a General of the Imperial guard etc. In the history of art he appears as "the General Lee".
Authentic works Whether Susunya not preserved. The only scroll that with some confidence ascribe to him today is "Floating boats and the Palace on the banks of the river." The painting has obvious similarities with the "Autumn walk" (a piece of art, the attribution of which is "stuck" between Lee and Zhang Sysnam Czytaniem), it is a rare and wonderful example of early blue-green landscape.
The artist was also engaged in monumental paintings; historical sources report that by decree of the Emperor Swanstone Whether Sisung painted the walls of the Palace Datong. The Emperor enthusiastically praised his work, calling the master the "God of painting". The part of modern scholars of the Tang art believes that If Sisung could be involved in the creation of frescos, discovered in the tomb of Prince IDE (682-701), who was put to death by Empress Wu Zetian for what unflattering comments about her grandmother. After the death of Wu Zetian in 705, the Prince's remains were exhumed and placed in the newly created mausoleum, construction of which is Whether Sisung as an artist and head of Department of Affairs of the Imperial family, probably supervised. It is unlikely that the painter made for the fresco in your hand, but they at least convey the true style of blue-green landscape of the era. Landscapes with a length of 26 meters there is two walls along the sloping corridor, against the background depicted a ceremonial procession. The upper part of the landscapes damaged, but the preserved fragments show a unique style. Characterized by a clear pattern — rigid, wire-like lines outline the edge of the mountains crystal clear, and the color scheme plays with shades of brown and bright, malachite-green paint.
If Sisung during his lifetime was known as a great master of animals, but in the history it remained as the inventor of a special type of landscape. Blue-green landscape, created a "General Lee", for many centuries has survived its Creator. He became a Canon, an appeal to which Chinese artists throughout the centuries symbolized the introduction to the geniuses of antiquity and to the Golden age of Chinese culture — the epoch of the Tang dynasty.