Giacomo Palma the Elder (Palma Il Vecchio, Italian. Palma il Vecchio, strictly ital. Jacopo Negretti, 1480 near Bergamo — 1528, Venezia) Italian painter.
Palma Il Vecchio studied under the influence of Bellini, Vittore Carpaccio, CIMA and Titian and spent most of his life in Venice. The works of Palma Il Vecchio, a nice composition, a confident figure, a brilliant and warm flavour. The figures of his paintings, in most cases, done in a landscape are of noble character and wearing a wide garment with wide folds.
One of the best works of the artist — polarity "Saint Barbara with the saints" in the Church of Santa Maria Formosa in Venice. It is beautifully transmitted by the movement and brilliance of harmonious colors. The works of Palma it is necessary to recognize the following patterns:
painting of three girls, Venetian, in all probability his daughters; the so-called "Mistress of Titian"; "Venus"; "Adam and eve"; self portrait of the artist, which was first attributed to Giorgione; "John the Baptist and St. Catherine"; "Madonna"; "The blessed virgin, surrounded by saints and angels";and some others.
Nickname Senior related to Giacomo Palma the Younger, who was his great-nephew.